Houston gay bars thanksgiving

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On one wall, there is a mural of what appears to be a subway platform.

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There's a portrait of Adam with an actual leaf pinned over his crotchal area (which later investigation will reveal is a small camera, which broadcasts the faces of its intrepid discoverers to the bar), an archway smattered with oil paint, a wall of household objects canvassed in white and arranged nonsensically. One lap inside and you're not sure exactly where you are. Urinals with mouths, bank tubes shuttling drinks around the bar, hidden streaming video cameras, public tweets via bar screens - it's cool, but it's confused. The Midtown bar - a new concept by Darren Van Delden, the same guy behind Red Door and Drake - had its grand opening Thursday night after several weeks of a soft-opening phase, and it's pure schtick. Such would be the type of honest tweet broadcast on one of Wonder Bar's multiple screens. Also, I think your urinal is coming onto me.'

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